Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A little juice left in the jug..
Blogging will be the death of meh! >O
Yes, that's right, I haaate it, but I do I it because..I feel you're all getting annoyed of my MSN chattyness xD (Especially Frosteh ^^; sowwy Frosteh)

I'll start this off by mom is a security guard lol..
About a week back, some lady came up to her at work, and talked to her for a bit, while talking, the lady brought up how she was an executive of a company in the Northwest territories, and they could use security..well..we're kinda hard pressed for money, and my mom and dad are splitting, so he's going out west, and i'm staying with my mom..I was praying that she wouldn't get this call from the lady, so I could stay here, but she got the call yesterday, and the lady is coming to interview my mom sometime this mom said she's just gonna rent an apartment for me, and come "home" every two weeks(apparently it's a 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off kinda job)
But I dunno, this is all just so retarded x_x.

On the plus side, I have re-kindled my love for Rock/Classic rock..just from one song <3 I loved Alannah Myles, how could I have forgotten her? lol

And yay for Jubilee!!! I have to find the rest of Generation X :P I want a Chamber and Skin <3 (Those were Jubi's best friends)
posted by Eddy Bard @ 5:58 PM   1 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wow I suck at Blogging!
Ha! wow, I take so long to make a new post ^^;
You would think that I would have a lot of material, but no..not really xD
Anything I ever find out, I usually tell you on SL.

Umm, lesse.. Oh!
I'm back in Love with my favourate K-pop(?)/K-techno artist..whatever xD
Lee Jung Hyun! <3

Grand Saga is looking really good! I can't wait to start rping. Though I'm feeling useless D:, In the bof rp, I was a GM..AND I built things, but now i'm nothing and I do nothing Dx. I tried volunteering myself into making the freebie items for the sim, but SOMEONE (I'm not gonna say any names) just out and asked Yuge what kinda of freebies would need to be built, and after Yuge told that person, that person just went "Oh i'll get right on it"... H-E-L-L-O! > < I JUST finished saying I was gonna do them! jesus murphy.. Maybe when we start up, me rping the new Greed will make me feel better.

I don't really know what else to say, other than "Vote Frostie for God!" and.."Down with Dyce-Darshe!" hee

I leave you with my favourate Lee Jung Hyun song <3 ..well one of my favourates
posted by Eddy Bard @ 2:00 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Bad guy? or White Mage?
I always thought I was such a nice boy.. everyone tells me I'm the nicest person they know, I personally can't see this sudden evil.. And I thought I was pretty self aware, hmm.. -shrugs-
On the lighter side! Murg has finally finished my Raine coat :D well sort of xD I'm missing a couple lines, and pockets. But i'm really greatful for all her help ^^. I have to give her, her money xD maybe then she'll make my boots and fix my coat. I heard Six quit being a GM in Midgar :\ that was a good move, Midgar is a bad stress bubble, needs new management. Maybe us Ryuujin GM's should take it over ;D ah? ah? haha.
Quote of the week? sure ^^
Mithos: "Goodbye my shadow, you who stands at the end of the path I chose not to follow"
<3 I love it! I keep beating Tales of Symphonia, just to hear him say it xD
Song of the week? sure ^^

I'm sorry xD I'm obsessed.
I'm recovering from my break-up pretty well..a few things keep reminding me of it..I need to stay away from relationships for a while..
Frostie seems to have left SL on a break xD a sudden one too, I'll keep ahold of her on her forum ^^ Frostie if you read this, don't worry about my hat xD it can wait as long as you want.

posted by Eddy Bard @ 6:00 AM   3 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
" I don't even wanna have an AV right now :( " / emoblog
Well..It happened..the thing to finally blacken my heart > >
I don't know how many of you knew this, but I did have a bf, I have had one for a while..BUT!..this is the same one that disappeared for like..6 months..well today he broke up with me..after 1 year and 7 months technically..
I feel like a wall just..planted itself in my heart D: cutting off my love supply..
Am I a monster for not crying? D: ..
I want Yuge..or Cory ;___; I wanna be held -cries-
Why does this always happen to meeee?.. agh i'm gonna cry irl if I keep going D:
here's the song--

posted by Eddy Bard @ 12:38 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Beginning my blue journey..well..on Blogspot!
Why helllo~ ^^
You know, it was hard to chose between my Spoony bard theme, or a blue theme <3
I've been up all~ night, Building things with Akeera, and Aranai, chatting it up with a hardrive killer (Frostie ^^) who was afk through three quarters of my whole convo with her lol, a sexy night-owl, who shared with me a mix of voice clips and youtube vids, along with a huge discussion on FF games, we even brainstormed a bit on new ideas for new groups(Yuge ;D). As the sun rose, I got the chance to chat a bit with my SL best friend(Six<3), and cuddle with a very close friend of mine, who kept me awake(Thank you Jemini :D).
I have yet to sleep, and I've written this blog..two or three times now, because I suck at scripting/HTML..(w/e).. and "I" ended up deleting it..somehow, when I edited it, to add something to the end..@_@
SO!..before I go too on about things, which my 'Windows32Brain' can't handle right now, I shall leave you with these notes.
1)As soon as my friend goes MIA for a while, I will leave you all some voice clips ^^ as long as I get some in return <3
2) DOWN WITH (DYCE)DARSHE!! [Inside joke ^^]
3)Youtube vid, I pwn x3

P.S. ignore the strange alien language at the side, i'll deal with it when i'm not running on Windows32Brain ;) kay? good.
Tty'all later

posted by Eddy Bard @ 10:10 AM   5 comments
about me
Location: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

I'm extremely indecisive. I guess sometimes I can be an asshole, but not on purpose, half of the time, I think It's for you're own good lol, on the other hand, I could be the nicest guy you'll ever meet. I used to be slightly high-maintenance, but I think that faded mostly. If we get close enough there probably isn't anything I wouldn't do for you :) , also I have a problem with saying "No" to people, just don't take advantage of that. I can be moody sometimes. And when I'm upset theres only a few things that can make me feel better, If you're a close friend, you know what they are :P. I can often be really quiet.

Udah Lewat
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